Monday, August 22, 2011

Moving On To Something New...

Or actually old...

I can't remember when I started it but for a long time every year for my birthday I come up with a list of goals for the year.  I never liked new years resolutions and putting it on my birthday felt much better to me because that was near the start of the school year and January 1st always feels like the middle to me.  I haven't done it for several years, since the year Marley and I got married actually, so only 2 years.  Every time I remember that I don't have those goals I've felt sort of purposeless so I really wanted to put some things down here to start this back up again.  This is going to be the first time I will be actually writing down the goals, usually I would just remember them in my head. Here is my list of goals for the year:
1.) Be better about writing in my blog (any help you can offer me to remember this goal would be appreciated)
2.) Relationships.  I've never been good at relationships and this is something Marley has been helping me with so that I won't feel so alone all the time.  My goal with this one is to call people on their birthday and to try to open up more so that I feel closer to them and they will know I consider them to be more than just a casual friend.  My main problem in this area is that I don't open up to people so when I think of someone as being a close friend they just think I think of them as a casual friend so that they don't open up to me more and I feel awkward and dejected. This also includes getting back up to date on my family's blogs to find out what's going on there.
3.) Be more aggressive in my professional life.  This includes getting a better job whether by promotion or a job somewhere else.
4.) Pay more attention to personal grooming.  Somewhere along the line of being in a serious relationship and getting married I've started slacking off in things like brushing my teeth twice a day, washing my face everyday, and making sure my fingernails and toenails are trimmed and looking nice.  I've recently realized that this really bothers me and I want to fix it.
5.) Try something new

This is a somewhat medium-sized list for me, one year I had about 10 and one year I only had 2, but I feel like these are going to be good goals, and more importantly, attainable goals.

Things to write about later:
new TV


  1. I think those sound like great goals!! Good luck, and I'm so happy to see you are blogging again! As for tips on updating, I don't really have any as I am kind of addicted to my blog so my problem is probably more like staying away from mine!! Haha, but if encouraging you through comments helps, I can always do that. (I love comments on my blog, so maybe you're the same?)

  2. I think those are great goals! It is amazing how easy it is too slack off on personal grooming. I used to wear makeup and do my hair and wear jewelry. I never wear jewelry anymore. Makeup and hair happen maybe once every other month! And good luck with the friendships. I have found that most women in the ward want more friends and would be my friend if I would just call them. I hope they all work out for you. And happy belated birthday!
