Sunday, November 18, 2012


      I've said this before & I'm sure I'll say it again, lately I feel like I'm learning how to live life all over again.  I read this book recommended by an introvert in my book club and it has changed my view of myself.  The book is Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking by Susan Cain.

     While I already knew that I was an introvert and because of this there are certain things that I just can't do I didn't realize just how much of an impact being an introvert or extrovert has on a persons life.  This being said I want to revise my goals for the year.  I have realized that there are certain things that I need to be doing in my life to counteract the effects that the extroverted job I have has on my life.

1.) Be better about writing in my blog is going to be changed to do more things that are personal and uplifting to me.  This includes writing in my blog, writing in my journal (already started since I bought my new pens!), decorating the apartment, sing more, make sure I keep the house more tidy so I can be more relaxed at home after work.

2.) The reason I wanted to call people on their birthday was because I wanted people to know that they were important to me and this seemed like a good way to let them know. I want to be the type of person that remembers birthdays.  I would love to be able to send everybody a letter or birthday card on their birthday but even though postage is ridiculously cheep it doesn't fit into my budget at this point in my life.  I chose calling because calling is free since I already have a phone for other reasons but as I learned from reading the book, this is not the best option for me.  I hate talking on the phone, I don't like how spontaneous the conversation has to be & you can't use environmental help for topics of conversation.  A better option for me is to send an email to people on their birthday, I can take as much time as I want thinking of what to say & I can't be interrupted or have the subject changed on me to something I didn't plan on talking about.

3.) I want to change this one to spend more time outside on my breaks so I can de-stress.  All the way at the back of the parking lot there is a field & at one end there are trees.  Whenever I go out there I get so relaxed, being in nature has this effect on me.  Maybe if I go outside more this will help me not be so worn out from work, it will give me the opportunity to recharge in the middle of the day & will be able to focus for on Marley and my home after work.

4.) Pay more attention to personal grooming.  Probably this one will take care of itself once I'm not so constantly stressed out.
5.) Try something new.  This one I'm leaving as is.